Daria Kostromitina: „Počas Pandémie Som Musela Naplno Zapnúť Svoju Fantáziu“

Daria Kostromitina: „Počas Pandémie Som Musela Naplno Zapnúť Svoju Fantáziu“
Daria Kostromitina: „Počas Pandémie Som Musela Naplno Zapnúť Svoju Fantáziu“

Video: Daria Kostromitina: „Počas Pandémie Som Musela Naplno Zapnúť Svoju Fantáziu“

Video: Daria Kostromitina: „Počas Pandémie Som Musela Naplno Zapnúť Svoju Fantáziu“
Video: стилист dariarazorenova узнала все секреты инстаграм у dashakos 2024, Apríl

T {"points": [{"id": 75, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, " scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {" id ": 77," properties ": {" x ": 392," y ": 0," z ": 0," krytie ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{ "id": 76, "properties": {"duration": 1, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Circ.easeInOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], " transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}}" Môže jedna osoba zmeniť svet? {"points": [{"id": 4, "properties": {"x": 0, " y ": 0," z ": 0," opacita ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, { "id": 6, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 895, "z": 0, "krytie": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 5, "properties": {"duration": 2, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Sine.easeInOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id ": 1," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "vlastnosti ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacita ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0, "rotationZ": 360}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"duration": 2, "delay": 1, "bezier": , "easy": "Sine.easeInOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0,5, "y": 0,5}} blogerka Daria Kostromitina povedala Bazáru o veľkých zmenách v módnom priemysle a zodpovednosti za predplatiteľov, a zároveň vyskúšal najjasnejšie novinky Tommyho Hilfigera. {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": { "x": 1, "y": - 788, "z": 0, "krytie": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, " rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 2," properties ": {" duration ": 1," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," easy ":" Sine.easeInOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0,5," y ": 0,5}} Kolekcia a kampaň Fall TOMMY ICONS na jeseň 2020 sa zameriava na tému„ Spoločne postupujeme vpred “, ktorá predstavuje inkluzívnosť a diverzifikovať e. Kampaň obsahuje zostavu, ktorá odráža rozmanitosť dnešnej Ameriky a ktorá sa usiluje o väčšiu inkluzivitu odvetvia. Kampaň TOMMY ICONS jeseň 2020 obsahuje globálne ikony, ktoré inšpirujú spotrebiteľov, aby sa vyjadrili svojou autenticitou a sebavedomím: Caroline Murphy: podporovateľka udržateľnosti a supermodelky, ktorá spochybňuje ageizmus priemyslu, Mikaela DePrins: osirela v Sierra Leone-americká vojna a stala sa svetovo preslávenou balerínou a Audrey Hilfiger: umelkyňa, podnikateľka a aktivistka. {"Points": [{"id ": 26," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 28, "properties": {"x": 606, "y": - 1, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 27, "properties": {"duration": 0.8, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Sine.easeInOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origi" n ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} {" points ": [{" id ": 18," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 20, "vlastnosti ": {" x ": 1181," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacita ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 21, "properties": {"x": 588, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 34, "properties": {"x": 588, "y": - 315, "z": 0, "opacita": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "kroky": [{"id": 19, "properties": {"duration": 0.8, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Sine.easeInOut", "automatic_duration": true}}, {"id": 22, "properties": {"duration": 1, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Sine.easeInOut", "automatic_duration": true}}, {"id": 35, "properties": {"duration": 0.8, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Sine.easeInOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} Pandémia nás všetkých presunula online - a móda nie je výnimkou. Digitálne premietanie sa už stalo bežnou záležitosťou, aj keď (povedzme si pravdu)! Atmosféru skutočných predstavení nikdy nenahradí. Existuje tiež pocit, že móda, lookbooky a prehliadky sa stali realistickejšími, bližšie ku konečnému spotrebiteľovi. Bolo si možné predtým predstaviť streľbu v interiéroch bytu? Tento trend sa mi veľmi páči a budem zaň, iba ak sa iba rozvinie. Som za vedomú spotrebu. Ja sám sa väčšinou snažím kúpiť vintage alebo nájsť niečo na platformách ako Oskelly. Takto viem, že dávam veciam druhý život. A naháňame všetky nové produkty … Myslím si, že toto je už minulé storočie. {"Points": [{"id": 36, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {" id ": 38," vlastnosti ": {" x ": 1," y ": - 204," z ": 0," opacita ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 37, "properties": {"duration": 1, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy" ":" Sine. 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Zatiaľ čo sú hranice zatvorené, aktívne skúmam najkrajšie kúty Ruska. Teraz som napríklad v Kaliningrade a predtým som bol v Murmanskej oblasti - a to je neskutočný zážitok! Prakticky sme nečakali, že niečo uvidíme, ale ukázalo sa, že to bol jeden z najlepších výletov v mojom živote: ohromujúca príroda, ochotní ľudia, polárna žiara … zúfalo odporúčam! {"Points": [{"id": 32, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 36, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 786, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 33, "properties": { "duration": 1, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Sine.easeInOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0,5, " y ": 0.5}} Cítim zodpovednosť voči publiku? Samozrejme! Som dosť zásadový človek a na svojom blogu odporúčam iba to, čo sa mi naozaj páči. Ak parfém, tak môj obľúbený, ktorý používam už dlhé roky. Ak existujú nejaké služby, tak iba skutočne overené. Ak je oblečenie rovnaké ako oblečenie od Tommyho Hilfigera: skutočne módne a praktické (objemné páperové bundy, ženské pončá a kabáty sú skvelým základom pre túto zimu). Určite svojich predplatiteľov neoklamem. Mnoho dievčat píše, že môj blog ich inšpiruje. Hovorím o tom, ako sa štýlovo obliecť, aké zaujímavé miesta navštíviť, kde sa chutne najesť a aké tajné miesta v rôznych mestách a krajinách treba navštíviť … Možno to je môj malý, ale dôležitý cieľ. {„Body“: [{" id ": 29," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 31, "properties": {"x": - 595, "y": 0, "z": 0, "nepriehľadnosť": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 30, "vlastnosti ": {" duration ": 1," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," easy ":" Sine.easeInOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 37, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 39, "properties": {"x": - 1181, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacita": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0} }], "steps": [{"id": 38, "properties": {"duration": 1, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Sine.easeInOut", " automatic_duration ": pravda }}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 40, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacita": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 47, "properties": {"x": - 1182, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 48, "properties": {"x": - 595, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 41, "properties": {"duration": 1, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Sine.easeInOut", "automatic_duration": true}}, {"id": 49, "properties": {"duration": 1, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Sine.easeInOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0,5, "y": 0.5}} Jeden v poli je určite bojovník. Tu je príklad: dcéra mojej sestry má zriedkavé genetické ochorenie. Lieky a špeciálne jedlá pre takéto deti nie sú u nás registrované a každý mesiac si ich musí zohnať z rôznych krajín. Svojimi príspevkami a textmi hovorí o takých deťoch, ktoré existujú a potrebujú podporu. A veci sa krok za krokom posúvajú, ale situácia sa mení. {"Points": [{"id": 50, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacita": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 52, "vlastnosti": {"x": -1185, "y": 0, "z": 0, "krytie": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 53, "properties": {"x": - 597, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 51, "properties": {"duration": 1, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Sine.easeInOut", "automatic_duration": true}}, {"id": 54, "properties": {"duration": 1, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Sine.easeInOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0,5, "y": 0,5}} {"points": [{"id": 58, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY" ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {" id ": 60," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 795," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 59," properties ": {" duration ": 1," delay ": 0.2, "bezier": , "easy": "Sine.easeInOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} Keby som išiel aby som zachránil svet, celá moja rodina by bola v mojom vysnívanom tíme: spoločne môžeme presúvať hory. {"points": [{"id": 64, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacita": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 66, "properties": {"x": 1182, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, " rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 65," properties ": {" duration ": 1," delay ": 0," bezier ": , "easy": "Sine.easeInOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 61, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacita": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 63, "properties": {"x": 589, "y": 0, "z": 0, "krytie": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 62, "properties": {"duration": 1, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Sine.easeInOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 18, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, " z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {" id ": 21, "properties": {"x": - 592, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY" ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {" id ": 34," properties ": {" x ": - 592," y ": - 255," z ": 0," opacity ": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 22, "properties": { "duration": 1, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Sine.easeInOut", "automatic_duration": true}}, {"id": 35, "properties": {" duration ": 0.8," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," easy ":" Sine.easeInOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0,5," y ": 0.5}} Mama je môj vzor. Je pre mňa ideálom ženskosti, láskavosti a krásy. {"Points": [{"id": 18, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, " nepriehľadnosť ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {" id ": 21," properties ": {" x ": -595," y ": 0," z ": 0," krytie ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ " ": 0}}, {" id ": 34," properties ": {" x ": - 595," y ": 254," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 22," properties ": {" duration ": 1," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," easy ":" Sine.easeInOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}, {" id ": 35," properties ": {" duration ": 0,8," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," easy ":" Sine.easeInOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} {" points ": [{" id ": 72," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 74, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 748, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 73, "properties": {"duration": 1, "dela y ": 0," bezier ": ," easy ":" Sine.easeInOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0,5," y ": 0,5}} Teraz myslieť na budúcnosť je pravdepodobne ťažšie ako kedykoľvek predtým. Zatiaľ plánujem pokračovať v práci, dosiahnuť nové úrovne, spolupracovať so značkami, o ktorých snívam. A samozrejme sa pokúste aspoň trochu vylepšiť svet. {"Points": [{"id": 67, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "nepriehľadnosť": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 69, "vlastnosti ": {" x ": 593," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacita ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 70, "properties": {"x": 293, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 68, "properties": {"duration": 1, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Sine.easeInOut", "automatic_duration": true}}, {"id": 71, "properties": {"duration": 1, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Sine.easeInOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0,5, "y": 0,5}} Kreatívna riaditeľka: Dina Silina Producentka: Anna Pokrovskaya Fotograf: Fyodor Bitkov Fotografický asistent: Pavel Vedenkin Stylista: Emma Kozlova Štýlový asistent: Daria Romanovich Makeup Artist / Hair Stylist: Nadezhda Knyazeva Video: Daria Esipenko,Anna PokrovskayaText: Lyudmila GukasyanDesign: Polina Poturemskaya {"width": 1180, "column_width": 42, "columns_n": 28, "gutter": 0, "line": 10} predvolený {"mode": "page", " transition_type ":" slide "," transition_direction ":" horizontal "," transition_look ":" opasok "," slides_form ": {}} {" css ":". editor {font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 19px; font-weight: 400; line-height: 28px;} "} false7671300falsetruetrue
